Um jeden Preis

Genre: Feature film / Trailer
Year: 2013/2014
Runtime: 01:47 min
Description: The 11th HourMaria is a successful business woman living in Hamburg, but her greatest wish has yet not been fulfilled: to become a mother. Following another miscarriage, her doctor warns her not to risk another pregnancy at her age. Coping from this shock, Maria makes a fateful decision: She seeks out a rumored "market" at the East-European boarder, where prostitutes sell their newborn. Yet Maria's search for a woman willing to give away her baby does not go as planned. She enters the bleak and dangerous world of prostitution and human trafficking, and soon is confronted with a ruthless Russian gangster who is in control of everything.
Provider: DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum
Rights: In Copyright / Farbfilm Verleih GmbH (Berlin)
Director: Anders Morgenthaler
Document type:
Language: de